4.4 Power and data (combined)connectionThe details below apply to MFDs that have acombined power/NMEA/video cable.Refer to the Connections Overview section toestablish the power connection for your MFD.D13283-2214 5738691. MFD2. Combined Power and data cable3. Connection to vessel’s 12 V / 24 V dc powersupply4. Red cable (positive)5. Fuse6. Black cable (negative)7. Video input cable8. NMEA 0183 data cables9. Ground (drain) wireIn-line fuse and thermal breaker ratingsThe following in-line fuse and thermal breaker ratingsapply to your product:In-line fuse rating Thermal breaker rating15 A 15 A (if only connecting onedevice)Note:• The suitable fuse rating for the thermal breakeris dependent on the number of devices you areconnecting. If in doubt consult an authorizedRaymarine dealer.• Your product’s power cable may have fittedin-line fuse, if not then you can add an in-linefuse to the positive wire of your products powerconnection.Power distributionRecommendations and best practice.• The product is supplied with a power cable. Onlyuse the power cable supplied with the product. DoNOT use a power cable designed for, or suppliedwith, a different product.• Refer to the Power connection section for moreinformation on how to identify the wires in yourproduct’s power cable, and where to connect them.• See below for more information on implementationfor some common power distribution scenarios.Important: When planning and wiring, take intoconsideration other products in your system, someof which (e.g. sonar modules) may place largepower demand peaks on the vessel’s electricalsystem.Note: The information provided below is forguidance only, to help protect your product. Itcovers common vessel power arrangements, butdoes NOT cover every scenario. If you are unsurehow to provide the correct level of protection,please consult an authorized Raymarine dealer ora suitably qualified professional marine electrician.Implementation — direct connection to battery• The power cable supplied with your product maybe connected directly to the vessel's battery, via asuitably rated fuse or breaker.• The power cable supplied with your product mayNOT include a separate drain wire. If this is thecase, only the power cable’s red and black wiresneed to be connected.• If the supplied power cable is NOT fitted with aninline fuse, you MUST fit a suitably rated fuse orbreaker between the red wire and the battery’spositive terminal.• Refer to the inline fuse ratings provided in theproduct’s documentation.• If you need to extend the length of the power cablesupplied with your product, ensure you observethe dedicated Power cable extensions adviceprovided in the product’s documentation.D13344-1AB34 gS Series installation instructions