4.28 Media player connectionYou can use your MFD to control a Bluetooth mediaplayer (such as a smartphone).The media player must be compatible with theBluetooth 2.1+ EDR power class 1.5 (supportedprofile: AVRCP 1.0) or higher.D12164-31 321. MFD2. Bluetooth connection3. Bluetooth media playerTo use this feature you must first:• Enable Bluetooth in the System Settings on theMFD.• Enable Bluetooth on the media player device.• Pair the media player device with the MFD.• Enable Audio Control in the System Settings onthe MFD.• Connect an RCU-3 remote and assign the shortcutkey to Start/Stop audio playback (Only required onMFD that do not have a touchscreen).Note: If your media player does not include built-inspeakers it may be necessary to connect the mediaplayer's audio output to an external audio systemor a pair of headphones. For more informationrefer to the instructions that accompany the mediaplayer device.4.29 Raymarine mobile app connectionYou can use compatible tablet and smartphonedevices as a wireless repeat display or remotecontrol for your multifunction display.Raymarine apps allow you to stream and / or control,remotely what you see on your multifunction displayto a compatible device, using a Wi-Fi connection.To use this feature you must first:• Ensure your device is compatible with the app youwish to use.• Download and install the relevant Raymarine app,available from the relevant market store.• Enable Wi-Fi in the System Settings on themultifunction display.• Enable Wi-Fi on your compatible device.• Select the Raymarine Wi-Fi connection from thelist of available Wi-Fi networks on your compatibledevice.• Enable the relevant Mobile app in the SystemSettings menu on the multifunction display.Note: The multifunction display acts as a Wi-Fiaccess point. If your device already connects toan access point for e-mail and internet you mustrevert your access point back to regain access toe-mails and internet.Cables and connections 53