particular map type, which takes the form of other configuration files, programs, NIS maps, andother less common mount methods. The auto.master file contains lines referring to each ofthese mount points, organized in the following manner:The element specifies the location of the mount on the local file system. The specifies how the mount point is mounted. The most common method for automounting NFS exports is to use a file as the map type for the particular mount point. The mapfile is usually named auto., where is the mount pointdesignated in auto.master. A line within map files to mount an NFS export looks like thefollowing example: -:Replace with the local file system on which the exported directory ismounted. This mount point must exist before the map file is read, else the mount fails.Replace with a comma separated list of options for the NFS file system (refer toSection 4.3, “Common NFS Mount Options” for details). Be sure to include the hyphen character(-) immediately before the options list.Replace with the hostname, IP address, or fully qualified domain name of the serverexporting the file system.Replace with the path to the exported directory.Replace with a comma separated list of options for the NFS file system (refer toSection 4.3, “Common NFS Mount Options” for details).While autofs configuration files can be used for a variety of mounts to many types of devicesand file systems, they are particularly useful in creating NFS mounts. For example, someorganizations store a user's /home/ directory on a central server via an NFS share, thenconfigure the auto.master file on each of the workstations to point to an auto.home filecontaining the specifics for how to mount the /home/ directory via NFS. This allows the user toaccess personal data and configuration files in their /home/ directory by logging in anywhere onthe network. The auto.master file in this situation would look similar to this:/home /etc/auto.homeThis sets up the /home/ mount point on the local system to be configured by the/etc/auto.home file, which looks similar to the example below:* -fstype=nfs4,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,