LanguagePriority sets precedence for different languages in case the client Web browser hasno language preference set.5.55. AddTypeUse the AddType directive to define or override a default MIME type and file extension pairs.The following example directive tells the Apache HTTP Server to recognize the .tgz fileextension:AddType application/x-tar .tgz5.56. AddHandlerAddHandler maps file extensions to specific handlers. For example, the cgi-script handlercan be matched with the extension .cgi to automatically treat a file ending with .cgi as a CGIscript. The following is a sample AddHandler directive for the .cgi extension.AddHandler cgi-script .cgiThis directive enables CGIs outside of the cgi-bin to function in any directory on the serverwhich has the ExecCGI option within the directories container. Refer to Section 5.22,“Directory” for more information about setting the ExecCGI option for a directory.In addition to CGI scripts, the AddHandler directive is used to process server-parsed HTML andimage-map files.5.57. ActionAction specifies a MIME content type and CGI script pair, so that when a file of that media typeis requested, a particular CGI script is executed.5.58. ErrorDocumentThe ErrorDocument directive associates an HTTP response code with a message or a URL tobe sent back to the client. By default, the Web server outputs a simple and usually cryptic errormessage when an error occurs. The ErrorDocument directive forces the Web server to insteadoutput a customized message or page.ImportantTo be valid, the message must be enclosed in a pair of double quotes ".5.59. BrowserMatchAddType177