Timeout, 164TypesConfig, 172UseCanonicalName, 169User, 168UserDir, 171VirtualHost, 179CustomLogApache configuration directive, 174DDefaultIconApache configuration directive, 176DefaultTypeApache configuration directive, 172Denial of Serviceprevention using xinetd, 324(see also xinetd)Denial of Service attack, 80(see also /proc/sys/net/ directory)definition of, 80DenyApache configuration directive, 171desktop environments (see X)dev directory, 26devices, localownership of, 305(see also PAM)directories/boot/, 26/dev/, 26/etc/, 26/lib/, 26/media/, 26/mnt/, 26/opt/, 27/proc/, 27/sbin/, 27/srv/, 28/sys/, 28/usr/, 28/usr/local/, 28/var/, 29DirectoryApache configuration directive, 169DirectoryIndexApache configuration directive, 171display managers (see X)DNS, 213(see also BIND)introducing, 213documentationexperienced user, xxfinding appropriate, xviiifirst-time users, xviiinewsgroups, xixwebsites, xixguru, xxDocumentRootApache configuration directive, 169changing, 182changing shared, 183DoS (see Denial of Service)DoS attack (see Denial of Service attack)drivers (see kernel modules)DSOsloading, 181EEFI shelldefinition of, 3(see also boot process)ELILO, 5, 13(see also boot loaders)emailadditional resources, 210installed documentation, 210related books, 211useful websites, 211Fetchmail, 196history of, 185Postfix, 194Procmail, 200program classifications, 188protocols, 185IMAP, 187POP, 186SMTP, 185security, 208clients, 208servers, 208Sendmail, 189spamIndex398