• password= — Prevents a user who does not know the password from editing theentries for this menu option.Optionally, it is possible to specify an alternate menu configuration file after thepassword= directive. In this case, GRUB restarts the second stage boot loaderand uses the specified alternate configuration file to build the menu. If an alternate menuconfiguration file is left out of the command, a user who knows the password is allowed to editthe current configuration file.For more information about securing GRUB, refer to the chapter titled Workstation Security inthe Red Hat Enterprise Linux Security Guide.• root (,) — Configures the root partition forGRUB, such as (hd0,0), and mounts the partition.• rootnoverify (,) — Configures the rootpartition for GRUB, just like the root command, but does not mount the partition.• timeout= — Specifies the interval, in seconds, that GRUB waits before loadingthe entry designated in the default command.• splashimage= — Specifies the location of the splash screen image to beused when GRUB boots.• title group-title — Specifies a title to be used with a particular group of commands usedto load a kernel or operating system.To add human-readable comments to the menu configuration file, begin the line with the hashmark character (#).8. Changing Runlevels at Boot TimeUnder Red Hat Enterprise Linux, it is possible to change the default runlevel at boot time.To change the runlevel of a single boot session, use the following instructions:• When the GRUB menu bypass screen appears at boot time, press any key to enter theGRUB menu (within the first three seconds).• Press the a key to append to the kernel command.• Add at the end of the boot options line to boot to the desired runlevel.For example, the following entry would initiate a boot process into runlevel 3:grub append> ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet 39. Additional ResourcesChanging Runlevels at Boot Time23 PreviousNext |