US-8CHT220/CHT220L5. For safe operationany other part, or when replacing the oil orany lubricant, always be sure to use onlyRedMax products or products whichhave been certified by RedMax for usewith the RedMax product.4. In the event that any part must be replacedor any maintenance or repair work notdescribed in this manual must beperformed, please contact a representativefrom the store nearest RedMax authorizedservicing dealer for assistance.5. Do not use any accessory or attachmentother than those bearing the RedMax markand recommended for the unit.6. Under no circumstances should you evertake apart the product or alter it in anyway. Doing so might result in the productbecoming damaged during operation or theproduct becoming unable to operateproperly.■ HANDLING FUEL1. The engine of the RedMax product isdesigned to run on a mixed fuel, whichcontains highly flammable gasoline. Neverstore cans of fuel or refill the tank of theunit in any place where there is a boiler,stove, wood fire, electrical sparks, weldingsparks, or any other source of heat or firewhich might ignite the fuel.2. Never smoke while operating the unit orrefilling its fuel tank.3. When refilling the tank, always turn off theengine and allow it to cool down. Take acareful look around to make sure that thereare no sparks or open flames anywherenearby before refueling.(1) Refill after cooling the engine.4. Wipe spilled fuel completely using a dryrag if any fuel spillage occurs duringrefueling.5. After refueling, screw the fuel cap backtightly onto the fuel tank and then carry theunit to a spot 3 m or more away fromwhere it was refueled before turning on theengine.6. Do not inhale fuel fumes as they are toxic.■ TRANSPORTATION1. When hand-carrying the product, coverover the cutting part if necessary, lift up theproduct and carry it paying attention to theblade.2. Never transport the product over roughroads over long distances by vehiclewithout removing all fuel from the fuel tank.If doing so, fuel might leak from the tankduring transport.