663.2 Zone set upIndicates this zone is fied with awireless sensor. Touch here tochange.MyzoneInventive . Intelligent . IntuitiveMyzoneInventive . Intelligent . IntuitiveKitchen WirelessConst 1PassageFamily TouchMaster Bed WiredJon Bed Opn/ClsdStudy iSenseZone SetupIndicates this zone is designated tobe the first electronic constant zone.Indicates this zone is fied with a wiredsensor. Touch here to change.Indicates this zone temperature iscontrolled via the sensor in a touchscreen. Press here to change.If the zone has been named its namewill show hereTouch here to go to the homescreenIndicates this zone has been set up forOpen / Close control onlyIndicates this zone is set up for temper-ature control via an iSense controllerDownUp