733.3.1 Fan auto configurationTouch here to enable Fan Auto control andto proceed with Fan Auto set upTouch here to set the AC Unit capacity for thissystem. The capacity selecon will provide anapproximate airflow capacity for the AC Unit.MyzoneInventive . Intelligent . IntuitiveInventive . Intelligent . IntuitiveMyzoneUnit Capacity [kW] 14Fan Airflow [l/s] 1020Touch here to configure the zone areas(3.3.2)Fan Auto ConfigCapacitiesEnable Fan Auto ControlAuto FanTouch here to fine tune the airflow capacity. Youcan set the exact airflow in litres per second. This isavailable from the AC Unit manufacturer2– Speed Fan3– Speed FanVariable Speed FanSelect Fan TypeSelect the correct fan speed type for thesystem installed. Refer to AC UnitManufacturer manualOnly available on certain AC unit makes