CV40E-11 City Series | 59installationCV40E Glass Panel Installation919-657a 02.22.17CV40E GLASS PANEL INSTALLATION1. Turn off unit and allow to cool to room temperature. Remove the safety glassand firebox glass — see manual for instructions.Note: The screws to secure all of the clips in these instructions will be alreadybe on the appliance. Simply remove and reinstall to secure all of the clips.2. Identify panels and order of installation.125461*3 (2 pieces)71side panelouter front panelouter side panelside panel bracketback corner panelmetal panelglass panel sitting on top ofmetal panel installed in previousstep3. Install back corner panels (1, 2) - seat smallest panel in back left corner,repeat on other side.5. Install metal panel (3) into of front firebox panel.7. Install one of the back panel brackets loosely with one screw (leave thebracket loose to allow room to install the back panel behind it).8. Carefully manoeuvre the back glass panel (4) to the back wall of the firebox.Centre the glass panel at the back of the firebox positioning underneath theloosely installed bracket— once in position, slide the bracket in position onthe opposite side and tighten both brackets in place with one screw each.9. With the back panel installed, slide in one of the side glass panels (6). Pushthe panel all the way to the back of the firebox ensuring that the glass is sittingon the bottom corner bracket installed in step 4. Attach top rear bracket asshown. Note: There is a left and right bracket. The left bracket is shown below.13. Install outer front panel (1) as shown. Secure Regency logo to undersideof outer front panel. The logo is simply held in with magnets.15. Reinstall the Outer Safety Glass*Panel 3 - 1 metal panel- 1 glass panel4. Install bottom corner 'securing bracket' as shown. Repeat step for other side.Securing bracketSecuring bracket in placePanel 1 shown6. Install glass panel (3) on top of the metal panel.11. Repeat steps 9-10 for other side. Clean all fingerprint marks prior to next step.12. Install media and inner firebox glass prior to next step.14. Install outer side panels (8, 9) —these panels are held in position withmagnets. Clean all fingerprint marks on outer side and bottom panelsprior to next step.Top rearbracketsittingon top ofside glasspanel.10. Install side panel bracket as shown and secure with one screw.back panel bracketback glass panel (4)location ofRegency logoat bottom rightcornerTop rear brackettucked in behindback glass panel1CITY SERIES