E33 FPI Direct Vent Gas Insert 33MAINTENANCEFAN MAINTENANCEIf your fan requires maintenance or replacement,access to the fan is through the plate on thefloor of the firebox. NOTE: the unit MUST NOTbe operated without the fan access panelsecurely in place.Caution: Label all wires prior todisconnecting when servicing controls.Wiring errors can cause improper anddangerous operation. Verify properoperation after servicing.DOOR GLASSYour FPI stove is supplied with high temperature,5 mm Neoceram ceramic glass that will withstandthe highest heat that your unit will produce. Donot abuse the glass by striking the surface orby slamming the door shut.If your glass requires cleaning, we recommendusing an approved glass cleaner available atall authorized dealers. Do not use abrasivematerials. Do not clean the glass when hot.In the event that you break your glass byimpact, purchase your replacement from anauthorized FPI dealer only, do not use substitutematerials. Follow our step-by-step instructionsfor replacement. Warning: Wear gloves whenremoving damaged or broken glass.Caution: Do not operate appliance withglass panels removed, cracked or broken.Replacement of the glass should be doneby a licensed or qualified service person.Flush Glass ReplacementRemove the flush door front (refer to the"Standard Flush Door" section). Remove the 4glass clips from each corner. Slide in the newreplacement glass. Push the 4 glass clips backonto the frame.To Remove Fan:1) Turn the unit off and allow it to cool down toroom temperature.2) Unplug or disconnect power source to stove.3) Remove the flush door (refer to p.14).4) Remove logs and grate (refer to p.10).5) Remove optional brick panel set, if installed(refer to the "Optional Brick Panel" section).6) Remove base brick set. (When removingbase brick sides the two screws that holdthe grate down must be removed first).Straighten adjustment wire.Air Shutter Wire9) Remove the rear log support by unscrewingthe 2 screws.8) Remove the Burner by removing the 2screws (1 on burner bracket and one onvalve tray). Tilt up the left burner and slideto the left away from the orifice.10) Remove the 12 screws holding the AccessPanel in place.11) Unplug the wires from the fan motor (frominside the stove).7) Straighten the adjustment wire under thefirebox base.ScrewsFan Access Plate Screws12) Remove the 2 screws from the fanbracket.ScrewsScrewsScrews