Regency ® P33 Gas Log Fireplace20Horizontal Flueing with Three (3) 90o ElbowsOption V H V + V1 H + H1Min. Max. Min. Max.A) 0.6m 0.3m 0.9m 1.2mB) 0.9m 0.6m 1.2m 1.5mC) 1.2m 0.9m 1.8m 1.8mD) 1.5m 1.2m 2.4m 2.1mE) 1.8m 1.5m 3m 2.4mF) 2.1m 1.8m 3.65m 2.7mWith these options,max. total pipe lengthis 30 feet with min. of12 feet total verticaland max. 9 feet totalhorizontal.Please note min. 1foot between 90oelbows is required.Vertical Flueing with Two (2) 90o ElbowsOption V H V + V1Min. Max. MinA) 0.3m 1.2m 0.6mB) 0.6m 1.5m 0.9mC) 0.9m 1.8m 1.2mD) 1.2m 2.1m 1.5mE) 1.5m 2.4m 1.8mVertical Flueing with Two (2) 90o ElbowsWith these options, max. totalpipe length is 30 feet with min.of 6 feet total vertical and max.8 feet total horizontal.Please note min. 1 footbetween 90 o elbows is re-quired.Option H + H1 VMax. Min.A) 0.6m 0.6mB) 0.9m 0.9mC) 1.2m 1.2mD) 1.5m 1.5mE) 1.8m 1.8mWith these options, max. totalpipe length is 30 feet with min.of 6 feet total vertical and max.6 feet total horizontal.Please note min. 1 footbetween 90 o elbows isrequired.INSTALLATIONOne 90o elbow = Two 45o elbows.One 90 o elbow = Two 45o elbows. One 90o elbow = Two 45o elbows.For additional vertical flueingwith 2 x 90o elbows, see"Vertical Terminations" sections.