34 Regency ® P36D-1 Zero Clearance Direct Vent Gas FireplaceINSTALLATIONDiagram 3Diagram 5Diagram 1Diagram 2NOTE: For best results and optimumperformance with each approved ventingsystem, it is highly recommended to apply“Mill-Pac” sealant (supplied) to every innerpipe connection. Failure to do so may resultin drafting or performance issues not coveredunder warranty. Silicone (red RTV) is optional.Diagram 5Diagram 6UNIT INSTALLATION WITHVERTICAL TERMINATION1) Maintain the 1-1/4" clearances(air spaces) to combustibleswhen passing through ceilings,walls, roofs, enclosures,attic rafter, or other nearbycombustible surfaces. Do notpack air spaces with insulation.Check for the maximumvertical rise of the ventingsystem and the maximumhorizontal offset limitations.Diagram 7The four wood screws provided shouldbe replaced with appropriate fasteners forstucco, brick, concrete, or other types ofsidings.Note: If installing termination on a sidingcovered wall, a vinyl siding standoffor furring strips must be used toensure that the termination is notrecessed into the siding.7) Before connecting the horizontal run of ventpipe to the vent termination, slide the WallThimble over the vent pipe.8) Slide the appliance and vent assemblytowards the wall carefully inserting thevent pipe into the vent cap assembly. It isimportant that the vent pipe extends intothe vent cap sufficient distance so as toresult in a minimum pipe overlap of 1-1/4inches. Secure the connection between thevent pipe and the vent cap by attaching thetwo sheet metal strips extending from thevent cap assembly into the outer wall of thevent pipe. Use the two sheet metal screwsprovided to connect the strips to the pipesection. See Diagram 6.9) Install wall thimble inthe center of the 10"square and attachwith wood screws(Diagram 7).2) Set the gas appliance inits desired location. Dropa plumb bob down fromthe ceiling to the positionof the appliance flue exit,and mark the locationwhere the vent will penetrate the ceiling. Drilla small hole at his point. Next, drop a plumbbob from the roof to the hole previouslydrilled in the ceiling, and mark the spot wherethe vent will penetrate the roof. Determine ifceiling joists, roof rafters or other framing willobstruct the venting system.You may wish to relocate theappliance or tooffset, as shownin Diagram 2to avoid cuttingload bearingmembers.3) A Firestop spacer must be installed in thefloor or ceiling of every level. To install theFirestop spacer in a flat ceiling or wall,cut a 10 inch square hole. Frame the holeas shown in Diagram 3 and install thefirestop.4) Assemble the desired lengths of pipe andelbows. Ensure that all pipes and elbowconnections are in the fully twist-lockedposition and sealed.5) Cut a hole in the roof centered on the smalldrilled hole placed in the roof in Step 2. Thehole should be of sufficient size to meetthe minimum requirements for clearanceto combustibles of 1-1/2". Slip the flashingunder the shingles (shingles should overlaphalf the flashing) as per Diagram 4.Roof Pitch Minimum Vent HeightFeet Metersflat to 7/12 2 0.61over 7/12 to 8/12 2 0.61over 8/12 to 9/12 2 0.61over 9/12 to 10/12 2.5 0.76over 10/12 to 11/12 3.25 0.99over 11/12 to 12/12 4 1.22over 12/12 to 14/12 5 1.52over 14/12 to 16/12 6 1.83over 16/12 to 18/12 7 2.13over 18/12 to 20/12 7.5 2.29over 20/12 to 21/12 8 2.44Diagram 4: The upper half of the flashing isinstalled under the roofing material and notnailed down until the chimney is installed.This allows for small adjustments.6) Continue to assemble pipe lengths.Note: If an offset is necessary in the atticto avoid obstructions, it is importantto support the vent pipe every 3 feet,to avoid excessive stress on theelbows, and possible separation.Wall straps are available for thispurpose (Diagram 2).Galvanized pipe is desirable above the rooflinedue to its higher corrosion resistance. Continueto add pipe sections through the flashing untilthe height of the vent cap meets the minimumheight requirements specified in Diagram 5 orlocal codes. Note that for steep roof pitches,