Regency ® P33-10 Zero Clearance Direct Vent Gas Fireplace | 27|27installationHorizontal Venting with Three (3) 90o ElbowsVertical Venting with Two (2) 90o Elbows Vertical Venting with Two (2) 90 o ElbowsFor additional vertical venting with2 x 90o elbows, refer to "Rigid PipeVenting Arrangements" Section.One 90o elbow = Two 45o elbows.Option V H V + V1 H + H1 With these options,maximum total pipelength is 30 feet withminimum of 12 feettotal vertical andmaximum 9 feet totalhorizontal.P l e a s e n o t eminimum 1 footbetween 90 o elbowsis required.A) 2' Min. 1' Max. 3' Min. 4' Max.B) 3' Min. 2' Max. 4' Min. 5' Max.C) 4' Min. 3' Max. 6' Min. 6' Max.D) 5' Min. 4' Max. 8' Min. 7' Max.E) 6' Min. 5' Max. 10' Min. 8' Max.F) 7' Min. 6' Max. 12' Min. 9' Max.One 90o elbow = Two 45o elbows.Option V H V + V1 With these options,maximum total pipelength is 30 feet withminimum of 6 feet totalvertical and maximum 8feet total horizontal.Please note minimum1 foot between 90 oelbows is required.A) 1' Min. 4' Max. 2' Min.B) 2' Min. 5' Max. 3' Min.C) 3' Min. 6' Max. 4' Min.D) 4' Min. 7' Max. 5' Min.E) 5' Min. 8' Max. 6' Min.One 90o elbow = Two 45o elbows.Option H + H1 V With these options, maximumtotal pipe length is 30 feetwith minimum of 6 feet totalvertical and maximum 6 feettotal horizontal.Please note minimum 1foot between 90o elbows isrequired.A) 2' Max. 2' Min.B) 3' Max. 3' Min.C) 4' Max. 4' Min.D) 5' Max. 5' Min.E) 6' Max. 6' Min.