REINHARDT System- und Messelectronic GmbHBergstr. 33 86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen Postfach 12 41 D-86908 Diessen Tel. 08196 - 934100MWS_55_e.indb Page 51geändert am 26.10.2017 von DOManual MWS 55 / MWS 88 / MWS 10 and Sensors 55to table of contents6 Trouble Shooting6.1 Transfer problemsIf the weather station is placed and mounted as described, there should be no problems in recor-ding data.When having problems with data transmission, you may decrease the Baud-rate or shorten thecable. You should use low capacitive cable when using cable length over 15m (RS232).(Further hints on the weather CD under FAQs.)6.1.1 Allowed cable lengthsAllowed cable lengths with standard cable at different baud rates are:2.400Baud - up to 900 m, 4.800Baud - up to 300 m, 9.600Baud up to 152 m,19.200Baud - up to 15 m, 57.600Baud - up to 5 m, 115.200Baud - <2 m.Using the weatherstation in industrial environment can cause big problems in data transmissionor even storing in the logger, when disturbance scatters into the cable. In this case you should useshielded cable or use RS422 Interface.(Further hints you'll find on the CD under FAQs)6.2 No data / wrong baud rateIf you accidentally set the baud rate to a wrong value or the weather station does not respondto any command you may try the follwing procedure to get access to the weather station again.Start a terminal program with 9600baud, 8bit, no parity, no protocol.Then you send exclamation marks (!) to the weather station coninuously. Power up the weatherstation. The follwoing messages should appear in the terminal window:## Secure-Immortal-Mode enabled## UART-Buffer...!!!!!!!!!!!!## Init DoneThen press the ENTER key once, the follwoing error message should appear:Then insert the command !B5 for setting to 9600baud and press the ENTER key.The weather station then should send continuously:**SECURE****SECURE****SECURE**...Then type the command !" and press the ENTER key to exit the SECURE mode.The weather station now should send weather data each second.Now it is standard mode at 9600baud.