67dXX Function ParameterValues Description DefaultValuesd04 Internal relay(active when d03=1)0 The controller measures the temperature only at the external sensor01 The sensor is used as a protection against overheating of the floord05 (onlyin UFH) Control of the cooling mode1 SPAN ±0.5°C22 SPAN ±1.0°Cd06 (onlywith TRV) TRV control algorithm0 Standard ON/OFF algorithm11 Automatic selection2 Advanced self-learning algorithmd07 Valve protection0 Disable11 Enabled08 Frost protection temperature 5-17°C Frost protection temperature (and for holiday mode) 5°Cd09 Time format 0 12 hours 11 24 hoursd11 Summer time change 0 Disabled 11 Enabledd12 Heating temperature limit 5-35°C Maximum heating/cooling temperature that can be set by the user 35°Cd13 Cooling temperature limit 5-40°C Minimum heating/cooling temperature that can be set by the user 5°Cd14Max floor temperature(active in heating mode whend04=1)6-45°C To protect the floor against overheating, the heating will be switched off whenthe maximum temperature of the floor sensor is reached. 27°Cd15Min floor temperature(active in heating mode whend04=1)6-45°C To protect the floor, heating will be activated when the minimum floor sensortemperature has been reached. 10°Cd16Lower floor temperature limitfor cooling (Function activewhen d04 = 1).6-45°C To protect the floor, cooling will be switched off when the set minimumtemperature is reached. 6°CFEATURES AVAILABLE ONLY FROM THE APPLICATION LEVEL:d17 Allow buttons to be unlockedfrom the thermostat0 OFF11 ONd18Deactivate the need toconfirm the change of thetemperature setpoint bypressing the button.0 OFF01 ON