6911. Error codes (error codes description with possible solutions)Error codes description with possible solutions:ERRORCODEDISPLAYDESCRIPTION ERROR DESCRIPTION TROUBLESHOOTING1. ErrXX-01TRV paired with thermostat - TRVhardware error.• Reinstall the TRV head or replace it. If necessary, contact with theSALUS Technical Department.2. ErrXX-02Floor is overheated (heating mode)./ Floor is overcooled (in coolingmode).• Set the heating medium temperature or change D14 parameter.• Set the cooling medium temperature or change D16 parameter.3. ErrXX-03 Floor sensor is broken. • If floor sensor is connected to S1/S2 input, check the wiring.• If floor sensor is not connected, check the D03/D04 parameters settings.4. ErrXX-04 Floor sensor is shorted. • Check floor sensor wire insulation for any damages. Sensor resistance for25°C=10kΩ.5. ErrXX-05Thermostat lost contact with theCO10RF network coordinator or theUGE600 internet gateway.• Check the coordinator/gateway power supply connection.• Force identification process from the coordinator/gateway or thermostat.6. ErrXX-06Thermostat lost connection with thewiring centre.Is the wiring centre turned ON and Status Network LED diode solid?• If yes, send the heating signal from thermostat to the wiring centreThermostat constantly monitors the network status, wireless connection status and the operation of connected sensors or paired devices. If it detects anyfailure then following error codes can be displayed alternately with the current room temperature value.Number of errors Error codeIn Online mode error is also shown in the Smart Home application (withdetailed description). Exclamation mark informs user about existing errors.PLEASE NOTE!