Understanding display messages1174. TroubleshootingPrepare newTransfer beltThe life of the transfer beltwill expired soon.Replace the transfer beltwith a new one. Contactthe servicerepresentatives.Replace newTransfer beltThe life of the transfer belthas expired.Replace the transfer beltwith a new one. Contactthe servicerepresentatives.Transfer Belt Error The transfer belt cannot becontrolled.Reboot the power and trythe printing job again. Ifthe problem persists,please call for service.Prepare newTransfer rollerThe life of the transfer beltwill expired soon.Replace the transfer beltwith a new one. Contactthe servicerepresentatives.Replace newTransfer rollerThe life of the transfer belthas expired.Replace the transfer beltwith a new one. Contactthe servicerepresentatives.ReplaceFuser SoonThe life of the fuser unit willbe expired soon.Replace the fuser unitwith a new one. Contactthe servicerepresentatives.Replace newFuser unitThe life of the fuser unit willbe expired.Message Meaning Suggested solutionsReplace/InstallWaste Toner TankThe life span of the wastetoner container has expiredand the printer will stopprinting until a new wastetoner container is placedinto the printer.Replace a waste tonercontainer with aSamsung-genuine wastetoner container.Prepare newImaging unitThe life of the imaging unitwill be expired soon.Replace the imagingunitwith a new one. Contactthe servicerepresentatives.Replace withnew imaging unitThe life of the imaging unitwill be expired.Installimaging unitThe imaging unit is notinstalledError [error number]Door open/closeThe imaging unit is installedimproperly, or the cover isnot securely latched.Reinstall the imaging unitto confirm it is seatedproperly. Close the coveruntil it locks into place.Message Meaning Suggested solutions