– 29 –D is used for pulse-to-tone conversion (“C”). If your system uses ro-tary (or pulse) dialling C.O. lines, pressing D while entering a speeddial number causes all subsequent digits to be sent as DTMF tones.E is used to hide digits. You may want to hide some phone numbersso that they will not show in the display when you dial the speed dialnumber later. When you are programming the phone number, press Ebefore entering the digits you want to hide. The symbol “[” is dis-played. All subsequent digits will be displayed as “*” when the speeddial number is dialled. If you want some digits to display, press Eagain (“]” is displayed) before entering these digits.For example, if you program a speed dial number with the phonenumber 9-[0121]728765, when you later dial this speed dial numberthe display shows ****728765.Note: When programming an outside number, enter the access code (e.g. 9 or 0)before you press E to hide any digits.F is used to enter a name for the speed dial number. See PersonalSpeed Dial Names under Display Features.Use the HOLD key to clear a speed dial number and/or name.One-Touch Speed DiallingYou can assign any personal or system speed dial number to an al-ready programmed speed dial key for quick and easy one-touch dial-ling of frequently-used numbers.1. While on-hook, press the TRSF key and dial 107.2. Press an SPD key.3. Dial the speed dial number that you want assigned to this key.4. Press the TRSF key to store your selection.To call this number, simply press the SPD key.