cleaning and maintaining _21middle nozzle1. Pull the upper rack towards the front andremove it.2. Check whether the nozzle holes areclogged by food particles.3. If cleaning is needed, remove the nozzle.4. To remove the nozzle, unfasten andremove the nut, and then remove thenozzle.5. Clean the nozzle, re-insert it, and fastenthe nut.6. When fastening the nut, turn it firmly byhand.7. Check whether the nozzle is engagedcorrectly by rotating it by hand.upper nozzle1. Check whether the nozzle holes areclogged by food particles.2. If cleaning is needed, remove thenozzle.3. To remove the nozzle, pull out theupper rack first, unfasten the nozzlecap by turning it counterclockwise,and then remove the upper nozzle.4. Clean the nozzle, re-insert it, andthen fasten the nozzle cap to thenozzle by turning the cap clockwise.5. Check whether the nozzle isengaged correctly by rotating it by hand.STorIng your dIShwaShErIf you need to store your dishwasher for an extended period of time, first drain and disconnect it. If youleave water in the hoses and internal components, you can damage the dishwasher.After draining and disconnecting the dishwasher, be sure to turn off the water supply valve and circuitbreaker.03 cleaning and maintainingCap nozzle12DMT350_DD68-00080A.indb 21 2010-08-30 �� 3:34:42