Settings The Setup ProcedureENG5. Use the ▲▼ buttons to choose a TV aspect ratio,and then press the " button. Select [Next], andthen press the " button on the remote control.6. Use the ▲▼ buttons to choose a resolution, andthen press the " button. Select [Next], and thenpress the " button on the remote control.7. Use the ▲▼ buttons to choose a search type, andthen press the " button. Select [Next], and thenpress the " button on the remote control. Formore information about quick scanning, see 'QuickScanning' on page 28.- [Auto Search]: This option will linearly scan alltransponders on the Astra and HotBird satellitesone by one.- For advanced configuration of SatCR or satellitedish with positioned motor, please skip this stepand configure the settings manually- When you press skip button all previous settingsas (language, aspect ratio, screen resolution, etc)will be saved but the service scanning will not beperformed.27