Applications 187TimerYou can use this option to set a countdown timer. Use a timerto count down to an event based on a preset time length(hours, minutes, and seconds).1. From the Home screen, tap ➔ Clock ➔ Timer.2. The min field is highlighted and set to 1 minute. Usethe keypad to set the number of minutes you want.3. Tap the hr field to set hours if desired. As you tapdifferent fields, they highlight.4. Tap the sec field to set seconds.5. Tap Start to begin the timer and tap Stop to pause thetimer.6. After stopping, tap Restart to continue or tap Reset toset the timer back to the original setting.Desk clockYou can use the Desk clock when you have a desk dock andyou want your phone to display the time, day, date, location,and weather conditions when it is docked.1. From the Home screen, tap ➔ Clock ➔ Deskclock.The default Desk clock displays.2. Tap the expand icon (uppr right corner of the screen) toview more options such as: Alarm, Music player,Gallery, Voice Search, and Web.3. To make changes, tap ➔ Settings.4. The following options display:• Hide status bar: hides the status bar on the display.• Wallpaper: select Default, Gallery, or Same as home screen.• Time/Calendar display: when this is checked, the time, day,and date displays. Tap to uncheck.• AccuWeather: when this is checked, the location,temperature, and weather condition displays. Tap to uncheck.• Brightness: sets your Desk clock display brightness.• Dock settings: tap Audio output mode if you want to use theexternal dock speakers when the phone is docked.ContactsYou can manage your daily contacts by storing their nameand number in your Address Book. Address Book entries canbe sorted by name, entry, or group.For more information, refer to “Contacts and Your AddressBook” on page 74.