Understanding Your Phone 39Pan to edit: Once enabled, moves an on-screen icon from onescreen to another by holding it down and moving the phoneleft or right. Tap Sensitivity to use the slider to adjust the sensitivitythen tap OK to save the setting.Double tap: Double tap the top of the phone to activate theVoice command function.Turn over to mute: Turn the phone over (screen face down) tomute incoming calls and currently playing sounds.Home Screen OverviewThe main home screen is the starting point for manyapplications and functions, and it allows you to add itemslike application icons, shortcuts, folders, or Google widgetsto give you instant access to information and applications.This is the default page and accessible from any menu bypressing .Navigating Through the Home ScreensYour phone initially has seven home screens. If you like, youcan place different applications on each of the homescreens. From the main Home screen, sweep the screen withyour finger in either direction. The main Home Screenis located in the middle with three Home screens oneach side.Navigating Through the Application MenusYour phone initially has four Application Menus available.Follow these steps to navigate through the ApplicationMenus:1. At the Home screen, tap . The first ApplicationMenu displays.2. Sweep the screen left or right to access the other threemenus.