246You must not use the Service for any purposes other thanthose permitted under the Terms. Without limiting thisrestriction, you must not use the service for any illegalpurposes, to make unsolicited offers or advertisements, toimpersonate or falsely claim affiliation with any person orentity, to misrepresent, harass, defraud or defame others, topost obscene or unreasonably offensive material, tonegatively present the Service, nor for any commercialpurposes.Except as expressly permitted by the Terms, and except tothe extent that applicable laws prevent Samsung fromrestraining you from doing so, you are not allowed todisassemble, reverse engineer, tamper with the Service,transmit malicious code or collect information of other usersthrough the Service.You may not take any action to interrupt the functionality ofor tamper with the Service or any content or servicecontained in or provided through the Service, or any serversused in providing the Service, or to unreasonably affectothers' enjoyment of the Service in any way.Actions Required by LawSamsung may need to comply with lawful interception and/ordata retention requirements imposed by your country ofresidence or any other country in which you use the Service.Samsung may restrict access to any part of the Service orterminate your access to the Service, at any time in its solediscretion if required by law or by the relevant authorities orregulatory agencies to do so.Third Party Sites and ContentThe Service may allow access to sites on the Internet thatare owned or operated by third parties. Access to such sitesdoes not imply that Samsung endorses the site or theconduct, products or services on the site. Upon accessingany such site, you must review and agree to the rules of useof the relevant site before using the site.You acknowledge and agree that Samsung has no controlover the content, products or services of third-party sites anddoes not assume any responsibility for or in respect of suchcontent, products or services. Third party content andservices may be terminated or interrupted at any time, andSamsung makes no representation or warranty that anycontent or service will remain available for any period of