248collect certain personal information such as your emailaddress along with your user name and password and, incertain cases, your mobile phone number so that we cancommunicate with you, for example to send notifications ofincoming messages. When you use the Service, certaintechnical information such as the type and serial number ofyour mobile device, Internet protocol address, your mobilenetwork and country codes, timezone, technical details ofyour client as well as your transactions with Samsung, forexample your acceptance of the Terms, will be automaticallycollected by Samsung.The purposes for which Samsung may use such data areexplained in the Social Hub Privacy Policy. Samsung may alsoparticipate with your selected service providers inmaintaining your contact lists.The third party services and content you access through theService and the telecommunications carriers and thenetwork through which you access the Service are providedand hosted by your selected third party content and serviceproviders who typically has a privacy policy of its own. Werecommend you familiarize yourself with your serviceprovider's privacy policy. Samsung is not responsible for theprivacy or any other practices of such service providers.Although your messages will be transmitted throughSamsung's servers, Samsung will not process the content orheaders of your messages for any purpose other than asnecessary to deliver and manage your messages, unlessotherwise required by law.In connection with certain services accessible via theService, Samsung may cooperate with your operator andother third parties. Samsung may receive from such thirdparties certain device specific non-personal information,such as device serial number of the devices sold by theoperator with preinstalled software for the Service. Suchinformation may be used for aanalyzing the activation of theService.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYTHE SERVICE IS PROVIDED ON "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE"BASIS. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY THE LAWAND SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, SAMSUNG DOES NOTWARRANT THAT THE SERVICE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED ORERROR OR VIRUS-FREE.TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY THE LAW ANDSUBJECT TO THE TERMS, NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDTO WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS