English - 155. The TV will begin memorizing all of the available channels.To stop the search before it has finished, press the ENTER button with“Stop” selected.After all the available channels are stored, it starts to remove scrambledchannels (see page 43). And then, the Auto program menu reappears. Pressthe ENTER button when channel memorization is complete. The message“Set the Clock Mode.” is displayed.6. Press the ENTER button.Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “Auto”, then Press the ENTER button.The message “Set to daylight saving time.” is displayed.If you select “Manual”, “Set current date and time” is displayed.(See page 48)7. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “Off” or “On”, then press the ENTERbutton. The message “Select the time zone in which you live.” is displayed.8. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to highlight the time zone for your local area. Pressthe ENTER button. If you have received a digital signal, the time will beset automatically. If not, see page 48 to set the clock.9. The message “Enjoy your watching.” is displayed.When you have finished, press the ENTER button.If you want to reset this feature...1. Press the MENU button to display the menu.Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “Setup”, then press the ENTER button.2. Press the ENTER button again to select “Plug & Play”.For further details on setting up options, refer to the pages 14~15.The “Plug & Play” feature is only available in the TV mode.➣➣Plug & PlaySet the Clock Mode.Clock Mode : AutoAutoManualSkipEnterMovePlug & PlayAuto Program is completed.119 channels are memorized.DTV Air : 05 Air : 24DTV Cable : 10 Cable : 80OKSkipEnterPlug & PlaySet to daylight saving time.DST : AutoOffOnSkipEnterMovePlug & PlayEnjoy your watching.OKSetup Plug & Play ►Language : EnglishTimeNetwork selection : CableCable Network SetupWireless Network SetupV-ChipCaptionPlug & PlaySelect the time zone in which you live.NewfoundlandAtlanticEasternCentralMountainPacific SkipEnterMovePlug & PlayRemoving scrambled channel.StopDTV Cable 4177%DTV Air : 05 Air : 12DTV Cable : 25 Cable : 32SkipEnter