16Click on Next. When you are asked to specify the directory that the necessary NTfiles are copied from; Insert your Windows NT CD and type in D:\i386 in thelocation blank.13. Some files from the D:\i386 directory are copied and you may be prompted the samebox to ask you to specify where NT files are once more.14. Since it is looking for some files from the installation CD, insert your installation CDin CD drive and type D:\nt40 in the blank location and click on continue.15. SAMSUNG 11Mbps Wireless LAN Card setup box may appear. Set each parameter(I/O Address, Interrupt) for the proper system configuration set up and otherparameters (network mode, ESS ID, and Tx Rate) for the proper LAN cardconfiguration. If the resource allocation or I/O addresses conflicts with other devices,change the I/O address or Interrupt using the Windows NT Diagnostic program.16. Next box will say network installation is done and network is ready to start. Click onNext.17. If you select the DHCP option for TCP/IP, you do not need to set the values. If youselect the Static option, enter the IP value, Subnet masking, Gateway, and DNSvalues respectively and then click on OK.18. Add the services that you want to avail. You can add other protocols such asNetBEUI.19. Now it is ready for installing networking. Click on NEXT.20. You can assign the Workgroup/ Domain name. And click on NEXT.21. Click on the Finish and it will ask you whether you want to restart your computer ornot. Click on Yes.22. Insert the PCMCIA card in the PCMCIA slot and restart your computer so that thechanges may be placed in effect.23. If your computer does not detect the PCMCIA WLAN Card or the card is notfunctioning properly, refer to the Troubleshooting at the end of the manual.When Windows NT networking is installed already:1. Power on your computer.2. Now insert the Installation CD. Select the Software Installation and click on Install.3. Right click on the Network Neighborhood using the mouse and select Properties.4. Select the Adapter. And click on Add.5. Since it is looking for the driver files, enter the path name D:\nt40 (where D is theCD drive of your Notebook PC) and click on Have Disk. It copies the driver files.And you can see Samsung 11Mbps Wireless LAN Card is added in your list ofadapters.6. Configure Wireless LAN Card box may appear. Set each parameter (I/O base,