6. Press 1 or 2 to choose the desired collation method. You can also press †without setting the collation (2:OFF is default value). The LCD displayshows the next option; the paper cassette selection menu. The message‘SELECT CASSETTE’ will appears when you set differant paper size forupper/lower cassette.The paper size you have chosen through ‘User option’ will be shownwithin the parenthesis.Note: The cassette you can select are UPPER, LOWER and AUTO. If you chooseAUTO, the machine automatically selects the paper of either upper cassetteor lower cassette according to the original document size.If your machine has a single cassette, this option is not available and‘SELECT CASSETTE’ message does not appear.7. Press ˆˆ or ¤¤ repeatedly until the desired cassette displays. Then, pressStart/Enter to confirm the selection.The LCD scrolls back and prompts you to enter the number of copies.8. Press Copy to begin the copy operation.Note: When you set the copy options, pressing Copy anytime begins the copyoperation immediately without displaying the remaining options.S E L E C T C A S S E T T EU P P E R [ L E T T E R ]2.31Making a copy2 Operation