2.35Automatic dialingGroup dialing (for multi-address transmission)Numerous one-touch and speed dial numbers can be registered as a group.By using the group number, you can send a document to multiple parties ina single operation. Your machine will dial the remote numbers in storedsequence. If the number is busy, your machine will dial the next storednumber and after dialing all of the stored numbers, will automaticallyredial any number(s) which was/were previously busy. Before you can usethis feature, you must coordinate and store group numbers.Storing one-touch or speed dial numbers for group dialing1. Press Menu, then press Group Dial on the one-touch keypad. The LCDdisplay asks you to select ‘1.SET’ or ‘2.EDIT’E N T E R O N E - T O U C H/ S P E E D D I A L >G R O U P N O .1 . S E T 2 . E D I T4. Press a one-touch button to which the fax number you wish to include inthe group is stored.OrEnter a speed dial location number to which the fax number you wish toinclude in the group is stored.5. Press Start/Enter. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter more destinationnumbers into the selected group.6. Press Stop when you have entered all the desired destinations. Thedisplay asks you to enter a name.7. To assign a name to the group, enter the desired name.OrIf you don’t want to assign a name, skip this procedure.8. Press Start/Enter. If you want to store another group dial number, repeatsteps 3 through 8.OrTo return to standby mode, press Stop.2 Operation2. Press 1 to select ‘1. SET’.3. Enter a speed dial location number you want to use for group dial, thenpress Start/Enter.The display asks you to press a one-touch button or enter a speed dialnumber you wish to include in the group.