Solving other problems26410. TroubleshootingToner specks • The paper may not meet specifications; for example, thepaper may be too moist or rough (see "Print mediaspecifications" on page 278).• The transfer roller may be dirty. Clean the inside of yourmachine. Contact a service representative.• The paper path may need cleaning. Contact a servicerepresentative.• Check the location of the machine. If the area is not well-ventilated, this problem may occur.Dropouts If faded areas, generally rounded, occur randomly on thepage:• A single sheet of paper may be defective. Try reprintingthe job.• The moisture content of the paper is uneven or the paperhas moist spots on its surface. Try a different brand ofpaper (see "Print media specifications" on page 278).• The paper lot is bad. The manufacturing processes cancause some areas to reject toner. Try a different kind orbrand of paper.• Change the printer option and try again. Go to PrintingPreferences, click Paper tab, and set type to thick paper(see "Opening printing preferences" on page 73).• If these steps do not correct the problem, contact a servicerepresentative.Condition Suggested SolutionsWhite Spots If white spots appear on the page:• The paper is too rough and a lot of dirt from a paper falls tothe inner devices within the machine, so the transfer rollermay be dirty. Clean the inside of your machine. Cleaningthe inside or contact a service representative.• The paper path may need cleaning. Cleaning the inside orcontact a service representative.Vertical lines If black vertical streaks appear on the page:• The drum inside the printer has probably been scratched.Remove the imaging unit and install a new one. Contact aservice representative.If white vertical streaks appear on the page:• The surface of the LSU part inside the machine may bedirty. Cleaning the inside or contact a servicerepresentative.If vertical streaks appear on the page:• The surface of the scanner glass and its white sheet may bedirty. Cleaning the inside or contact a servicerepresentative.Condition Suggested Solutions