54Setting the My Color Control ModeMy Color Control mode allows users to adjust colors to according to their preferences,by adjusting skin, sky, and grass tones using the predefined settings (Standard, Custom,Blue, Green, Pink) without affecting other colors on the screen.Using the My Color Control Function in the Easy Control MenuSkin, sky and grass tones are easily adjustable to suit your preferences.1 Press the MENU button. Press the ▲ or ▼ button toselect “Picture”, then press the ENTER button.2 Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “My ColorControl”, then press the ENTER button.3 Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “Easy Control”,then press the ENTER button.4 Press the œ or √ button to select among the variouspicture settings. The original picture (beforeadjustment) is shown on the left side, while theselected mode is shown on the right side.5 Press the MENU button to exit the menu.Note• This feature is operated when the “DNIe” is set to“On” or “Demo” mode.Mode : Custom √Custom √Color Tone : Normal √Color Control √Film Mode : Off √Size : 16:9 √PIP √† MorePictureTVMove Enter ReturnEasy Control : Custom √Detail Control : √My Color ControlTVMove Enter Return➤➤ There are five My Color Control modes: Standard, Custom, Blue,Green, and Pink.Original BlueMove Enter ReturnEasy ControlBlue Green Pink √Original PinkMove Enter ReturnEasy ControlBlue Green Pink √