77TROUBLESHOOTING4-2-1. If the trouble is detected by self-diagnosis- The error of sensor will be displayed on the front of display.when the error of sensor is detected at initial power ON, the appliance will not operated and display ofabnormal sensor part will blink.- The appliance will not stop operating when the error of sensor is detected during operation of theappliance.But normal freezing might be not operated if the appliance is operated by the emergency operationmode. You would better to check the appliance according to the self-diagnosis of the manual.1) If ICE Maker(R) Sensor has troubledBad contact of connector/ insert correctlyIs MAIN PCB ConnectorCN90 inserted correctly?Is ICE Maker Sensorunit normal?Is the voltage betweenMAIN PCB Connector CN90 - "1"(Brown) andREG1-GND normal?Is input voltage of IC01MICOM #14 normal?StartNOYESYESYESYESReplace the temperature sensorNORecheck the wire connection partNO(0.6V > Measurement < 4.6V)Check the iced-solder, solderbridging, disturbed solder.NONo trouble with PCB and temperature sensor.Recheck the bad contact of the connection.** Measuring point of resistance value according toSensor **ICE MAKER: CN90 ”1”↔ “7” measuring resistancevalue ** 0Ω: Short trouble / Ω∞: Open troubleSensor MICOM/Connector numberVoltage measured between 4.6V ~ 0.6V.Measuring voltage of IC01 MICOM #14,CN90 - "1" (Brown) and REG1-GND fromPCB typical Ground part are similar.→ Check the measure on the voltage of Resistance,R914 DUE to the SMD MICOM☞ Checking method of ICE Maker Sensor resistanceCN90 "1"(Brown) ↔ "7"(Gray)- Compare the temperature table after themeasure.DATA1.Temperature tableERROR CodeRefer to circuit diagram in the manualICEMaker Connector CN90-"1"(Brown)andREG1-GND PCB typical Ground☞ Checking method of ICE Maker Sensor resistance- Measure the voltage of Resistance R914(IC01 MICOM#14) on PCB or CN90 "1"(Brown) ↔ REG1-GND- Compare the temperature table after the measure.Measuring voltage of CN90-"1"(Brown) ↔ REG1-GNDare as below.PCB Typical GroundREG1-GND