84TROUBLESHOOTING8) If Ice Room Sensor has troubleERROR CodeBad contact of connector/ insert correctlyIs MAIN PCBConnector CN78 and CN76 insertedcorrectly?Is Ice room sensor unit normal?Is the voltage betweenMAIN PCB Connector CN78-"10"(Orange) andREG1-GND normal?Is the input voltage ofIC01 MICOM #11 normal?StartNOYESYESYESYESReplace temperature sensorNOCheck the wiring connectionNO(0.6V > Measurement < 4.6V)Check the iced-solder, solderbridging, disturbed solderNONo trouble with PCB and temperature sensor.Check the bad connections.** Measuring point of resistance value according toSensor **Ambient : CN78 ”10”↔ CN76-”1” Measure the voltageof Resistance value** 0Ω: Short trouble /Ω∞: Open troubleSensor MICOM/Connector numberVoltage measured between 4.6V ~ 0.6V.Measuring voltage of IC01 MICOM #11,CN78-"10"(Orange) and REG1-GND fromPCB Typical Ground are similar.→ Check the measure on the voltage of Resistance,R316 due to the SMD MICOM☞Checking Mehod of Ice Room Sensor voltageCN78-"10"(Orange)↔ CN76-”1” (Gray)- Compare with the temperature table aftermeasurement.DATA1.Temperature tableRefer to the circuit diagram in this manualIce Room Connector CN78-"10"(Orange) andREG1-GND from PCB Typical Ground☞Checking Method of Ice Room Sensor Voltage- Measure the voltage of Resistance, R316(IC01 MICOM #11) on PCB orCN78-"10"(Orange) ↔REG1-GND- Compare with the temperature table after measurement.Measured voltage of CN78-"10"(Orange) ↔ REG1-GND are as belowPCB Typical GroundREG1-GNDStartYESYESYES