78TROUBLESHOOTING2) ICE Maker(FZ) Sensor has troubledERROR CodeBad contact of connector/ insert correctlyIs MAIN PCBConnector CN90 insertedcorrectly?Is ICE Maker(FZ)sensor unit normal?Is the voltage betweenMAIN PCB Connector CN90-"9"(Red)and REG1-GND normal?Is input voltage ofIC01 MICOM #13 normal?StartNOYESYESYESYESReplace the ICE MakerNOCheck the contact of PCB &Wire Terminal correctly.NO(0.6V > Measurement < 4.6V)Check the iced-solder, solderbridging, disturbed solder.Replace the PCB- This refrigerator has Dual Ice Maker,so controlled two Ice Makers.NONo trouble with PCB and temperature sensor.Recheck the bad contact of the connection.** Measuring point of resistance value according to Sensor **ICE MAKER(FZ) : CN90 9 ↔ 8 measuringresistance value** 0Ω: Short trouble / Ω∞: Open troubleSensor MICOM/Connector numberVoltage measured between 4.6V ~ 0.6V.Measuring voltage of IC01 MICOM #13,CN90-"9"(Red) and REG1-GND PCB typical Groundpart are similar.→ Check the measure on the Resistance R904 due to theSMD MICOM.☞ Checking Method of ICE MAKER(R) Senserresistance CN90 "9"(Red) ↔ 8"(White)- Compare the temperature table after the measure.DATA1.Temperature tableRefer to circuit diagram in the manualICEMaker(F) Connector CN90-"9"(Red) and REG1-GNDPCB common Ground☞ Checking method of ICE Maker Seneor- Measure the voltage of Resistance R904(IC01 MICOM #75) orCN90-"9"(Red) ↔ REG1-GND.- Compare the temperature table after the measure. Measuringvoltage of CN90-"9"(Red) ↔ REG1-GND.typical PCB GroundREG1-GND