86TROUBLESHOOTING10) If Humidity Sensor has troubleERROR CodeBad contact of connector /insert correctlyIs MAIN PCBConnector CN30 insertedcorrectly?Is Humidity Sensorunit normal?Is the voltage betweenMAIN PCB Connector CN30-”3”(White-Blue) andREG1-GND normal?Is input voltage ofICO1 MICOM #8 normal?StartNOYESYESYESYESDATA2. Humidity Sensor TableReplace the Humidity SensorNORecheck the PCB & Wire Terminal connectionNO (1.0V > Measurement < 3.5V)Check the iced-solder, solderbringing, disturbed solderExchange the PCBNONo trouble with PCB temperature sensor.Recheck the bad contact ofthe connection** Measuring point of resistance value according toSensor"Humidity : CN30 ”1” ↔ ”3”Resistance value with opened : about 50Ω** 0Ω: Short trouble /Ω∞: Open troubleSensor MICOM/Connector numberVoltage measured between 3.5V ~ 1.0VMeasuring voltage of ICO1 MICOM #8,CN30-"3"(White-Blue) and REG1-GND fromPCB typical Ground part are similar.→ Check the voltage of Resistance, R321☞ Checking method ofHumidity Sensor resistanceCN30-"3"(White-Blue) ↔ "1"(Gray)- Compare the temperature table after the measure.Refer to circuit diagram in the manualHumidity Connector CN30-"3"(White-Blue) toREG1-GND PCB typical GroundStartYESYESYES☞ Checking method ofHumidity Sensor voltage.- Measure the voltage of Resistance, R321(IC01 MICOM #8) onPCB or CN30-"3"(White-Blue) ↔ REG1-GND- Compare the temperature table after the measure.Measuring voltage of CN30-"3"(White-Blue) ↔ REG1-GNDare belowPCB Typical GroundREG1-GND