24_ operatingUSING THE CONTROL PANELRF31FMED**(For Ice/water model Only )710 98123546( 1 )EnergySaverTouching this button turns Energy Savermode on and off. When you turn EnergySaver on, the Energy Saver icon lights.Turn Energy Saver off and the icon goesoff. The Energy Saver function’s factorysetting is “ON”. If condensation or waterdrops appear on the doors, turn theEnergy Saver mode off.( 2 )Freezer(Hold 3sec forPowerFreeze)The Freezer button serves two purposes:- To set the Freezer to your desiredtemperature.- To turn the power freeze function onand off.1) To set the Freezer temperatureTouch the Freezer button to set theFreezer to your desired temperature. Youcan set the temperature between 5 °F(-15 °C) and -8 °F (-23 °C).2) Power Freeze functionTouch and hold this button for 3 secondsto decrease the time needed to freezeproducts in the Freezer.It can be helpful if you need to quicklyfreeze easily spoiled items or if thetemperature in the freezer has warmeddramatically (For example, if the door wasleft open).When you use this function the energyconsumption of the refrigerator willincrease.Remember to turn it off when you don’tneed it and return the freezer to youroriginal temperature setting. If you need tofreeze large amount of food stuff, activatePower Freeze function at least 20 hoursbefore.( 3 )Alarm(Hold 3sec forFilterResetThe Alarm button serves two purposes:- To turn the door open alarm on and off- To reset the water filter life indicator.1) Door Alarm FunctionIf the door alarm is set to On, an alarmbeeps if any refrigerator door is left openfor more than three minutes. The beepingstops when you close the door. The dooralarm function is pre-set to On in thefactory. You can turn it off by pressing andthen releasing the Alarm button. You canturn it back on in the same fashion. Theicon lights up when the function is on.When the Door Alarm function is on andthe alarm sound is triggered, the DoorAlarm Icon will blink while the alarmsounds.2) Water Filter Life Indicator FunctionAfter you replace the water filter, touchand hold this button for 3 seconds toreset the water filter life indicator. Whenyou reset the water filter life indicator, theFilter icon on the panel turns Off. TheFilter icon will turn red to let you know itis time to change the water filter after sixmonths (about 300 gallons). Some areashave large amounts of lime in their water,which causes the water filter to clog morequickly. If this is the case in your area,you will have to change the filter morefrequently than every six months.( 4 )Lighting(Hold 3sec for ºC↔ ºF)Lighting button serves two purposes:- To turn the dispenser light on and off- To switch the temperature unitsbetween ºC and ºF1) Light FunctionTouching the Lighting button turns onthe Dispenser LED lamp in continuousmode so that it stays on continuously.The button also lights up. If you want theDispenser lamp to come on only whensome one uses the dispenser, press theLighting button to turn the continuousmode off.2) To switch the temperature unitsbetween ºC and ºF,Touch and hold this button for 3 secondsto select the temperature display youwant.Each time you press and hold the button,the ºC and ºF temperature modesalternate and the ºC or ºF icon lights up,indicating your selection.DA68-02894A-09.indb 24DA68-02894A-09.indb 24 2013. 12. 3. 8:452013. 12. 3. 8:45