operating _31operating the SAMSUNGside-by-side refrigeratorusing tHE CooLsELECt ZonE™ DrawEr (oPtionaL)The CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer is designed to make your busy life just a little bit easier.Quick Cool ButtonYou can use the “Quick Cool” operation with theCoolSelect Zone™ Drawer to quickly cool1~3 canned beverages in about an hour. Whenthe “Quick Cool” process ends, the CoolSelectZone™ Drawer automatically returns to thepreviously set temperature.To cancel this operation, press the Quick Coolbutton again and the CoolSelect Zone™Drawer returns to the previously set temperature.Depending of the beverages, cool-down time may vary.When “Quick Cool” is in operation, any items that you do NOT want affected should be movedout of the drawer.tHaw tiME 4hours 6hours 10hours 12hourswEigHt 363g (0.8Ib) 590g (1.3Ib) 771g (1.7Ib) 1000g (2.2Ib)Thaw ButtonWhen “thaw” is selected, warm and cold air is alternately blown into the CoolSelect Zone™Drawer. Depending on the weight of the frozen food, you can select a 4 hrs, 6 hrs, 10 hrs, and12 hrs thawing time.When “thaw” ends, food is in a half-frozenstate, making it easy to cut for cooking. Inaddition, when “thaw” ends, the CoolSelectZone™ Drawer returns to the original “0 Zone”condition. To cancel this function mid-cycle,just press any button besides Thaw.Here are the approximate thawing times ofmeat and fish by weight (and based on a25.4mm (1in.) thickness). This chart represents the total weight of food in the CoolSelect Zone™Drawer.Depending on the size and thickness of the meat or fish, thawing times may vary.When “Thaw” is in operation, any items that you do NOT want affected should be movedout of the drawer.02 oPErating