operating _33operating the SAMSUNGside-by-side refrigeratorrEMoVing tHE frEEZEr aCCEssoriEsCleaning and rearranging the interior of the freezer is a snap.1. Remove the glass shelf by pulling the shelf out as far as it willgo. Then, gently lift it up and remove it.2. Remove the door bin by holding the door bin with both handsand then gently lift it up.3. Remove the Plastic drawer by pulling it out and slightly liftingit up.4. Remove the Icemaker bucket by lifting up and pulling it out.5. Remove the front leg Cover by opening both the freezer andrefrigerator doors, and removing the three screws. Once thescrews are free, detach the cover. To reattach the front legcover, place it back in its original position and tighten the threescrews.Do not use excessive force when removing the cover.Otherwise, the cover may break and cause injury.02 oPErating