English - 25OPERATING( 6 ) Door AlarmDoorAlarmTo turn the door open alarm on and offIf the door alarm is set to On, an alarmbeeps if any refrigerator door is leftopen for more than two minutes.Thebeeping stops when you close the door.The door alarm function is pre-set toOn in the factory. You can turn it off bytouching and then releasing this button.You can turn it back on in the samefashion. The icon lights up when thefunction is on.When the Door Alarm function is on andthe alarm sound is triggered, the DoorAlarm Icon will blink while the alarmsounds.( 7 ) Main Control Panel Lock (3 sec)ControlLockTouch and hold the Control Lock buttonfor 3 seconds to lock the Main ControlPanel. If Main Control Lock is on, noneof the buttons on the Main ControlPanel work.(However, the dispenser control paneland the dispenser level will continue towork, because the dispenser controlpanel has its own, independent ControlLock button.)To unlock the Main Control Panel, touchand hold the main Control Lock buttonfor 3 seconds again.• The Main Control Panel locksautomatically one minute afterthe last button input, after youhave set Main Lock Controlon.• If you Lock the DispenserControl Panel, the Lock Icon( ) on the STAR DISPLAYis displayed. The DispenserControl Lock doesn't affectthe Main Control Panel. TheMain Control Panel controlpanel has its own lock button.If you lock the Main ControlPanel, the dot on the MainControl Lock ( ) lights.Cooling Off Mode- North American (US, Canada) Models Only ;Cooling Off mode (also called Shop mode),is designed for use by retailers when they aredisplaying refrigerators on the shop fl oor. InCooling Off mode, the refrigerator’s fan motor andlights work normally, but the compressors do notrun, and the refrigerator and freezer do not getcold. To start Cooling Off mode, touch and holdthe Fridge, Freezer, and Door Alarm buttons for 5seconds during normal operation. The refrigeratorchime sounds and the temperature displayfl ashes “OFF”. The Star Display blinks slowly onand off when the refrigerator is in Cooling Offmode (17 seconds on, 3 seconds off).To cancel Cooling Off mode, touch and hold theFridge, Freezer, and Door Alarm buttons again for5 seconds.( 8 ) Override (3 sec)The Override function activates/deactivates Smart Grid (page 27).Touch and hold the Override buttonfor 3 seconds to set/clear the Overridefunction.DA68-03013A-03.indb 25DA68-03013A-03.indb 25 2014. 2. 25. 4:042014. 2. 25. 4:04