English - 49OPERATINGSparkling Water: Operational Notes• Be sure to use genuine Soda Stream Cylindersfrom authorized resellers.• The refrigerator starts making sparkling waterabout 10 seconds after you turn on theSparkling Water Production function.• If you open the refrigerator door while therefrigerator is making sparkling water, it willstop. When you close the door, it will resumemaking sparkling water in about a minute.• If there is a power interruption when therefrigerator is making sparkling water, therefrigerator may re-start the carbonationprocess when power returns and put too muchcarbonation into the water. If this occurs, werecommend throwing out the overly carbonatedwater and starting the process again.• If you keep dispensing sparkling water, thewater stream may become unstable or breakup. This is caused by changes in pressure inthe Sparkling Water Tank.It is not a defect.• If the water hose is kinked or water is notsupplied properly, the Carbonation Level of theSparkling Water will be high.This occurs because the the same amount ofthe carbon dioxide (CO2 ) is dispensed by theCylinder regardless of the amount of water inthe Production Tank.• The useful life of a SodaStream carbonator willvary, depending on the level of carbonation youselect.• If you are not going to be home for a longperiod of time, do not want to use the SparklingWater function any more, or you are moving:• To reduce the processing time, use the QuickSparkling option.Quick Sparkling sets the Sparkling Level to3 (high). The refrigerator applies the QuickSparkling setting the next time it makessparkling water.If the refrigerator is making sparkling waterwhen you select the Quick Sparkling option,the refrigerator adjusts the Sparkling Levelautomatically.To cancel this option, press the Quick Sparklingbutton again within 20 seconds after activatingit.• If the cylinder icon ( ) turns on, replace thecurrent SodaStream Carbonator with a newone.• To dispense the sparkling water, pull down theSparkling-Selector Lever, and push and holdthe Ice/Sparkling Water Lever with a glass.• Please remove the Soda StreamCarbonator from the compartmentlocated in the left door of the refrigeratorbefore you transport the refrigerator.1. Press the Sparkling Maker button for threeseconds to turn off the Sparkling Waterfunction.2. Empty the Sparkling Water tank by dispensingall the water in the tank.3. Remove the Soda Stream Carbonator.Producing sparkling water with QuickSparkling consumes more CO2 gas.(Quick Sparkling requires 30 % to 50 %more CO2 gas compared to SparklingLevel 3.)CAUTIONDA68-03013A-03.indb 49DA68-03013A-03.indb 49 2014. 2. 25. 4:052014. 2. 25. 4:05