75• Artists: Lists artist names for music files on the Memory Card andlets you play one or more music files by a selected artist.• Albums: Lists album titles for music files on the Memory Card andlets you play one or more music files from a selected album.• Genres: Lists genre names for music files on the Memory Card andlets you play one or more music files in the same genre.• Recently Added: Lists the music files most recently added to theLibrary and lets you play one or more of these music files.• Playlists: Lists any playlists you have saved and lets you create,save, and manage playlists.3. To play a music file, select it.4. To access other options, press Options. The followingoptions are available:• Go to Home Screen: With a music file playing, returns you to theHome screen and the music continues playing.• Play Mode: The following play modes are available:– Normal: Play a song or play songs in the order they appear in a musicfile list.– Shuffle: Play music files at random.– Repeat One: Repeatedly play one music file.– Repeat All: Repeatedly play all music files.• Add To Playlist: Add the current file to a Playlist.• Remove From List: Remove the current file from the currentPlaylist.• Visual Supplements: Overlay the current Music Player screenbackground with Simple View (no overlay), an Equalizer display,song Lyrics (if available), or Album Art (if available).• Memory Info: Lists the total Card Memory, the card memoryalready Used to store files, and the Free (unused) card memory.• Song Info: Lists the Title, Artist, Album, Genre, File Name,Encoding Format, Bitrate, Duration, File Size, and Date of thecurrent music file.Select the desired option.Music Player Controls• Volume key:– To play a music file louder, press theVolume key Up.– To play a music file softer, press theVolume key Down.• Music Navigation buttons:– To pause playing a music file, press.– To resume playing a music file, press.– To return to the current Playlist, press the Navigation key Up.– To stop playing a music file, press the Navigation key Down.– To skip play to an earlier music file in the selected list, press theNavigation key Left.