VAS106Resend Data Prompt: allows you to set the phone todisplay the prompt to confirm your browser sessionor not to display.Security: displays all security-related information,such as Secure Prompt, Authentication, and CurrentCertificate.About...: shows the WAP browser version andcopyright, encryption, and certificate information.Games & App. ( -2)In this menu, you can use Brew applications. On themain screen of the menu, there are three defaultapplications available:• MobileShop: allows you to buy and downloadBrew applications.• Settings: allows you to change the applicationsettings and to check the memory status.• Help: gives you help for using applications.Note: You can quickly access this menu by pressingthe Down key in standby mode.Downloading Multimedia Files1. Press the right soft key when the MobileShopicon is selected.The following options are available:• Catalog: allows you to browse and purchaseapplication.• Search: allows you to search for anapplication by entering a keyword.