123GlossaryAir TimeActual time spent talking on the wireless phone.Most carriers bill customers based on how manyminutes of airtime they use each month.AntennaA device for transmitting or receiving signals. Thesize and shape of antennas is determined, in part,by the frequency of the signal they receive.Wireless phones and the base station must haveantennas.Call DivertingAbility to reroute calls to another number.Call WaitingInforms you that you have an incoming call whenyou are engaged on another call.Caller Line Identification Services (Caller ID)Services allowing subscribers to view or block thetelephone numbers of callers.CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)A spread-spectrum approach to digitaltransmission. With CDMA, each conversion isdigitized and then tagged with a code. The mobilephone deciphers only a particular code to pick theright conversation off the air. The transmittedsignal is just above noise level across the availablebandwidth.