Glossary124DeactivationThe process of rendering a wireless phone inactive.DTMFYou send DTMF signals when you enter numbers bypressing the digit keys.FrequencyA measure based on time, as one or more wavesper second, in an electrical or light waveinformation signal. A signal’s frequency is stated incycles-per-second or Hertz (Hz).LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)Commonly used to refer to the screen display onthe wireless phone.PrependThe addition of a prefix, such as an area code, to aphone number.RoamingThe ability to use a wireless phone to make andreceive calls in places outside of the home servicearea.Service ChargeThe amount paid each month to receive wirelessservice.Standby TimeThe amount of time a fully charged wirelessportable or transportable phone can be on and idlewithout being in use. (See Talk Time)