1221. To adjust the details of a selected appointment, select thedesired appointment in the Day screen and tap the Detailsbutton. The Appointment Details screen opens.2. You can edit in the same way as described in ‘Recording aNew Appointment’ on page 114.Editing Detailsof a SelectedAppointment Appointment DetailsSubject: Design ConferenceDate: 2000.4.10. MonTime: 10:00 – 11:00Set Repeat WeeklySet Alarm 30 minutes bef..CancelDeleteOKTo remove a selected appointment:To remove appointments you havescheduled, select the appointmentin the Day screen and tap theicon on the hard icon panel.Select Delete from the Records menu. You will be asked ifyou really want to delete the selected appointment. Tap the OKbutton.OrSelect the appointment you want to delete in the Day screenand open the Appointment Details screen. Then, tap the Deletebutton at the right side of the screen. You will be asked if youreally want to delete the selected appointment. Tap the OKbutton.Removing aSelectedAppointment NewDeletePurgeRecords Edit Setup