Working with Applications55Using ApplicationControlsThe applications on your phone use standard controls formoving around the screen. Once you become familiar withthem, you can easily select options and navigate throughapplications.Checkbox – Tap an empty checkbox to put a check mark onthe box to select that option. Tap it again to remove thecheck mark.Scroll arrows – Tap # to display the previous page.Tap ❷ to display the next page.Pick list – Tap the arrow to display a list of choices. Fromthe pick list, tap an item to select it.button – Tap this button to perform a command. In mostcases, tapping this button opens or closes a dialog, a screenwhere you enter information or change settings. A dialogalways contains an OK or Cancel button for closing thedialog.Scroll bar – Drag the slider to scroll the display one line ata time. To scroll to the previous page, tap the arrow at thetop of the scroll bar. To scroll to the next page, tap the arrowat the bottom of the scroll bar.Help WritingCharactersThe software recognizes several alternative ways of writinga character. If a character you are writing is misinterpreted,You can use Input Help to see an animated demonstration ofhow to write the letter. Tap the icon on the hard iconpanel on the text input screen. Select the character you wantto see. To return to the text input screen, tap the OK button.Input HelpOK1$A a a b c d e fg i j k lm n o p q rs t u v w xy zhOK