1671. Select the chat category from the listin the Lobby. The screen displays thechat rooms currently open under theselected chat category.2. Tap the New button on the bottomof the screen.Note: You can also open a new chat roomby selecting the icon when you are inLobby or a chat room, then select CreateChan. from the Tools menu tab.ChattingUse these keys to scrollthrough the screen.Creating aNew ChatRoomNewPet Chat (3/4)Test (1/7)ABC 123abcOK CancelChannel :New ChannelE 1$3. Fill in the following information fields. To fill in theinformation field, first tap the desired field to place a cursoron the selected field, then type the information in the textwriting area on the bottom of the screen. For details onentering text, see page 164.• Channel: Enters the name of the chat room.• Topic: Enters a brief description on the chat topic. It willbe provided in the information on the chat room.• Limit: Enter the total number of members acceptable forthe room. Tap the upper half to increase the number or thelower half to decrease the number.• Locked: If you check this box, the chat room will not openin public and require password to join the room.• Password: If you lock the room, enter the log-in password.4. When you complete entering each field, tap the OK button.