1. Tap the icon on the hard icon panel to launchapplications.2. Tap the Calc icon to open the calculator screen.Using the on-screen calculator, you can use the phone as a calculator. The calculatorprovides the basic arithmetic functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) andcomplex engineering calculation features.HomeContMenuInputtriexppowstattypeetcRBMD7 8 94 5 610 =MS CMR delMC+ –2 3Opening theCalculatorFunction categories.Tap one of the categories.(tri=trigonometricalexp=exponentpow=powerstat=statistical)You will see a list offunctions and you canselect the one you want. Use the keys as you wouldwith a normal calculator.Currently selected mode.• D – Statistical data.• M – indicates that the memory function iscurrently operating.• B – Binary system. O (8) and H (16) are alsoavailable.• R – Currently selected trigonometrical mode.Calculation field. Use ❷ or #key in the right corner to scrollthrough the calculation list.Tap to accessmenus availablein the calculatorscreen.184CalcCalculator