Customizing Your Phone67Enter Emergency NumberThis feature allows you to call pre-specified emergencynumbers when the phone is locked or when outgoing callsare restricted. You can store up to three emergency numbers.Tap Enter Emergency # in the Security screen. When theEnter Emergency # screen appears, tap a location in the topof the screen and enter the desired number, then tap the OKbutton.Reset PhoneThis menu enables you to reset the phone to its defaultconfiguration. Also, all phone memories are cleared.Tap Reset Phone in the Security screen. The display asks ifyou are sure you want to initialize the memory. Tap the OKbutton.Enter Emergency#OK#2 #3ClrCancel#11 abc defjklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyz2 34 5 67 8 90To save battery power, the screen blanks out (sleeps) after afew minutes of non-use. Tap the icon in the Controlscreen, and you can set the time period to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5minutes.Select the length of idle time before your phone sleeps fromthe pick list, then tap the OK button.To “wake up” the phone, just tap the screen. You can also“wake up” by closing and opening the flip.BatteryPower SavingPower-save Timer1minOK CancelBatt