Health and safety information154association between the use of wireless phonesand primary brain cancer, gioma, meningioma,or acoustic neuroma, tumors of the brain orsalivary gland, leukemia, or other cancers.None of the studies demonstrated the existenceof any harmful health effects from wirelessphone RF exposures. However, none of thestudies can answer questions about long-termexposures, since the average period of phoneuse in these studies was around three years.11.What research is needed to decide whetherRF exposure from wireless phones poses ahealth risk?A combination of laboratory studies andepidemiological studies of people actually usingwireless phones would provide some of the datathat are needed. Lifetime animal exposurestudies could be completed in a few years.However, very large numbers of animals wouldbe needed to provide reliable proof of a cancerpromoting effect if one exists. Epidemiologicalstudies can provide data that is directlyapplicable to human populations, but 10 ormore years follow-up may be needed to provideanswers about some health effects, such ascancer. This is because the interval between thetime of exposure to a cancer-causing agent andthe time tumors develop - if they do - may bemany, many years. The interpretation ofepidemiological studies is hampered bydifficulties in measuring actual RF exposureduring day-to-day use of wireless phones. Manyfactors affect this measurement, such as theangle at which the phone is held, or whichmodel of phone is used.12.Which other federal agencies haveresponsibilities related to potential RF healtheffects?